Parking near Intouchmedicare Clinic, Ramintra Km.2 branch

Parking near Intouchmedicare Clinic, Ramintra Km.2 branch

Intouchmedicare Clinic, Ramintra Km.2 Branch, recommends parking near the clinic. You can park at Lat Pla Khao Market (Soi Lat Pla Khao 78) and then walk to the clinic, which is not far and very convenient. Details are as follows :

Lat Pla Khao Market parking lot (Soi Lat Pla Khao 78)

  Free parking for 2 hours

Parking near Intouchmedicare Clinic, Ramintra Km.2 branch
You can find a parking lot at Lat Pla Khao Market area by entering Soi Lat Pla Khao 78 for free for 2 hours.
Parking near Intouchmedicare Clinic, Ramintra Km.2 branch
After parking the car, walk out of the alley and turn right and walk straight for about 60 meters.
Parking near Intouchmedicare Clinic, Ramintra Km.2 branch
Then you will find the clinic which is opposite Soi Lad Pla Khao 90.
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