Gynecologist for women , Gynecological Clinic Near Me


Many women try to avoid Per Vaginal Examination (Pelvic Examination) because she is shy to discovery hidden organ. and someone is worried to be hurt when examined. When you are found the abnormal symptoms, so the symptoms are servere. After that they go to see a doctor and get the treatment. In spite of some diseases in early stage are cured such as cervical cancer, which is very serious and kill people a lot. Therefore Per Vaginal Examination (Pelvic Examination) is normally concerned. We have instruction for women , have question in process and method of examination.


What is examination of gynecology?

Examination of gynecology is the treatment in female reproductive system, which are vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovary. Women, who should be examined, are abnormal symptoms such as lower abdominal pain, light or heavy menstruation, lack of menstruation without pregnancy, abnormal vaginal discharge, wrong leucorrhoea, vaginal itching, smelly etc. These symptoms are indicated to be abnormal , and to be examined to find out cause of disease for treatment.


What is Per Vaginal Examination (Pelvic Examination) ?

Per Vaginal Examination (Pelvic Examination) is examination of pelvic floor and cervical cancer, which a doctor inserts an equipment, Grave Vaginal Speculum depended on vary size, through vagina and then outstretchs to check vagina wall or cervix. If checking for cervical cancer is requested, a doctor will gather cervical cells to be examined in laboratory test. On other method, a doctor uses a finger inserting into vagina and other hand presses on abdomain to detect various abnormalities.



Any symptoms to be examined


Vaginal discharge (Leucorrhoea)

Vaginal discharge (Leucorrhoea) is normally clear liquid mucus or milky white (mucilage) , no colour or slight smell. If Leucorrhoea has strong smell or smelly (like rotten fish) or chunky, or is different colour such as green, yellow, pink, brown with blood, or there are itching , sore or pain in vagina or vulva, there are feeling of pain when urinating, you should consult a doctor immediately.


itching or sore in vagina

Vaginal itching and sore vania are in during menopause becase level of estrogen is decrease, so mucus coating the vagina is thin down and vaginal dryness causes itching. In normal case, women of reproductive age are caused from others such as skin disease, bacteria, fungus, STD( Sexually Transmitted Disease), or cancer, which needs diagnosis.


Vagina is smelly

Cause of smelly vagina is from impurities in the vagina because does not clean enough, then it's accumulated to cause smelly. It may be caused from sanitary pad. Women change daily behavior to avoid germs. If changed, smelly vagina occures may be other disease and should consult a doctor.



Herpes are blister on mouth, sexual organ, anus, haunch or thigh. Symptoms are painful sores. In the first time, symptoms are servere and recovered more slowly than recurrence. To be cured by doctor to prevent recurrence.


Because of many woman diseases are various and some diseases are similar, treatment with a doctor to be best choice, not buying drug from pharmacy. Intouchmedicare provides Gynecological Clinic with specialist to service your health, treat with quick, convenient and safe. If you are interested in our service, click chat on floating icon.


Because vaginal problem is to concerned , Per Vaginal Examination (Pelvic Examination) is norm of basic operation. Don't be afraid or shy to be serviced.



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Gynecologist for women

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