What Is NIFTY Test? Reasons To Get NIFTY Test and Its Procedures

Chromosome abnormalities are the source of many disorders, including Down syndrome. Thankfully, screening for certain chromosomal abnormalities has made it possible to assess the risk prior to childbirth.

Prenatal genetic screening is essential and advised for all expectant mothers.

Because even minor chromosomal or genetic abnormalities can cause major diseases, impairments, aberrant fetal growth and development, shorter lifespans, and some disorders that are incurable, in addition to causing fetal death.

Interesting topics on NIFTY test

What is Nifty test?

What is NIFTY test?

Non-Invasive Fetal TrisomY (NIFTY) test is a straightforward non-invasive screening technique for genetic abnormalities of the fetus using only 10 cc of pregnant women’s blood

NIFTY test is a safe and highly accurate non-invasive prenatal test that can be performed as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy with an accuracy of up to 99%.

“NIFTY test is based on an analysis
of fetal DNA released into
the mother’s bloodstream.”

NIFTY test can detect the presence of fetal genetic disorders, particularly prevalent ones such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc. It is the only screening technique that can identify fetal gender and detect sex chromosome abnormalities.

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Who do we recommend NIFTY test?

  • Any expectant mother may take the NIFTY test. It is currently advised that all expectant mothers undergo genetic disease screening. Although the risks of most genetic diseases in fetus increase with the age of the mother, it can still be common in young pregnant women. 
  • Pregnant women with contraindications or medical conditions that prevent them from undergoing amniocentesis, such as placenta previa, high risk of miscarriage, hepatitis B infection, etc. 
  • Pregnant women with a history of a prior pregnancy with a chromosomal abnormality


  • Pregnant women whose fetal characteristics on ultrasonography images suggest potential genetic abnormalities
  • Pregnant women who want to verify the results of previous screening techniques 
  • Pregnant women who have undergone IVF
  • Pregnant women who have a history of repeated miscarriages and the cause cannot be found

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Who do we not recommend NIFTY test?

  • NIFTY test may give inaccurate results with fewer false positives in some pregnant women
  • Pregnant women who have received a blood transfusion within one year prior to NIFTY test
  • Pregnant women with organ or stem cell transplantation history
  • Pregnant women with a history of genetic diseases
  • Pregnant women with triplets or more

However, if a pregnant woman has a chronic disease or takes certain medications regularly, she may need to consult a doctor before undergoing another examination.

Reasons to get NIFTY test?

Reasons to get NIFTY test?

  • Most accurate screening test with an accuracy of up to 99%
  • Straightforward technique, only 10 cc of pregnant women’s blood is required
  • Safe and non-invasive test for fetuses and mothers
  • It can be performed as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy 
  • It can screen for a variety of common chromosomal abnormalities, depending on the package 
  • It is the only screening technique that can identify fetal gender and detect sex chromosome abnormalities.

Types of NIFTY test


  • NIFTY Twin Test is suitable for twin pregnancies. In twin pregnancies, the accuracy of results and the number of detectable may be less compared to singleton pregnancies. However, NIFTY Twin can be used to screen for the following abnormalities:
  • Trisomy 21/Down syndrome
  • Trisomy 18/Edwards syndrome)
  • Trisomy 13/Patau syndrome
  • Y chromosome (indicating a male fetus)


  • Trisomy 21/Down syndrome
  • Trisomy 18/Edwards syndrome
  • Trisomy 13/Patau syndrome
  • Trisomy 9,16,22
  • Sex chromosome abnormalities (Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Triple-X, Jacob’s syndrome)
  • More than 100 chromosomal abnormalities (Chromosome 1-23 Aneuploidies, Deletion/duplication syndrome 92 types)
  • Determination of fetal gender


  • Trisomy 21/Down syndrome
  • Trisomy 18/Edwards syndrome
  • Trisomy 13/Patau syndrome
  • Sex chromosome abnormalities (Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Triple-X, Jacob’s syndrome)
  • Determination of fetal gender


  • Trisomy 21/Down syndrome
  • Trisomy 18/Edwards syndrome
  • Trisomy 13/Patau syndrome
  • Determination of fetal gender

Price of NIFTY test

Price of NIFTY test

NIFTY Twin Package: 19,900 Baht

  • Trisomy 21,18,13 and Y detected

NIFTY Pro Package: 18,500 Baht

  • Chromosome 1-23, 84 syndromes and gender

NIFTY Focus Package: 13,500 Baht

  • 7 common syndromes, Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and gender

NIFTY Lite Package: 9,990 Baht

  • Down syndrome and gender

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Procedures of NIFTY test

  • You should consult your doctor before undergoing NIFTY test in order to receive all the necessary information and comprehend its significance and the range of disorders it can identify.
  • Approximately 10 cc of blood is drawn.
  • It takes 7 to 10 days to get the results.
  • Before undergoing NIFTY test, antenatal care and an ultrasound scan are recommended as general health tests for the mother and unborn child. You can, however, speak with your doctor prior to the test.

Advantages of NIFTY test

Advantages of NIFTY test

  • Nifty test is useful in identifying the risk of fetal abnormalities and planning appropriate course of treatment with the doctor prior to delivery. 
  • Because even minor chromosomal or genetic abnormalities can cause major diseases, impairments, aberrant fetal growth and development, shorter lifespans, and some disorders that are incurable, in addition to causing fetal death.
  • It is the fastest and the most accurate screening test available for fetal gender determination.

Is NIFTY test required for all expectant mothers?

It is currently recommended that all expectant mothers be screened for genetic disorders. Numerous techniques exist for genetic screening, each with its pros and cons, including ultrasound and specific chemical tests. 

Furthermore, Nifty test is the most precise prenatal genetic screening technique. You are free to select your preferred method, request further details, and speak with your doctor prior to the test.

Can NIFTY test be used to identify the fetal gender?

Can NIFTY test be used to identify the fetal gender?

NIFTY test is the only screening technique that can identify fetal gender and detect sex chromosome abnormalities.

How long does it take to get the result?

It takes 7 to 10 days to get NIFTY test results. 

How many weeks into a pregnancy should a woman not have NIFTY test?

NIFTY test can be used at any gestational age. If, however, this test is conducted after 20 weeks of pregnancy and a risk of significant chromosome abnormalities is identified, abortion rights may be restricted.

Where should you get NIFTY test?

Intouchmedicare offer a number of NIFTY test packages available for pregnant women to screen for Down syndrome. The screening is performed by our team of doctors and nurses. For new mothers who have never undergone this test, don’t worry. Our staff are ready to help and offer you guidance and attention.


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Latest edit : 13/02/2024

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