Quad Test: Procedures and Price

Quad Test: Procedures and Price

Currently, there are several screening methods for Down syndrome, each with varying degrees of accuracy. Quad Test is a popular, simple, modern screening technique for biochemical markers in maternal blood with an accuracy of up to 86%.

“If you are interested in Down syndrome screening, please contact Intouch Medicare for more information.”
screening for Down syndrome at the clinic

Interesting facts about Quad Test

What is Quad Test?

What is Quad Test?

Quad Test or Quadruple Test is an effective second-trimester screening method for Down syndrome.

The optimal gestational age for the Quad Test, which involves the analysis of 4 biochemical markers, is between 14 and 18 weeks.

More information of other screening methods for Down syndrome: Down syndrome screening methods expectant mothers should know

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What biochemical markers are analyzed in Quad Test?

Quad Test involves the analysis of 4 biochemical markers in maternal blood: Alpha fetoprotein (AFP), Unconjugated estriol (uE3), Beta-human chrorionic gonadotropin (free β-hCG), and Dimeric Inhibin-A.

The Mom values are then 
using the results of these 4 biochemical
markers in combination with the
pregnant woman’s personal data,
including age, history of delivery,
smoking, etc.

This is to ascertain whether the fetus is at risk of Down syndrome.

What is the optimal gestational age for Quad Test?

Quad Test or Quadruple Test is an effective second-trimester screening method for Down syndrome. It is usually performed between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy (14 and 18 weeks is the optimal gestational age).

Price of Quad Test

Price of Quad Test

  • Price: 2,890 Baht

Note: Professional fee and service charge are included.

“The maternal blood is used in this test. You are not required to fast or refrain from eating or drinking. It takes only 7 days to obtain the results.”สนใจ ตรวจดาวน์ซินโดรม

Accuracy of Quad Test

The detection rate of Quad Test is 86%.

Procedures and methods

  1. The doctor gives advice on Down syndrome screening to expectant woman less than 18 weeks into pregnancy.

  2. If the expectant woman agrees to Down syndrome screening, an ultrasound scan is then performed to confirm the gestational age.

  3. Approximately 3-5 ml of blood of the expectant woman is and sent to the laboratory for examination.

If you are interested in getting
Down syndrome screening
at Intouch Medicare

Result notification

The test results can be divided into 2 groups: high-risk group with a risk rating of 1:200 or more and low-risk group with a risk rating of less than 1:200.

quad test lab results

1:250 is the criterion used to classify risks as

Reference: Maternal and Child Health, Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health

Low risk

  • A risk rating of less than 1:250, such as 1:300 or 1:500, indicates that you are in the low risk group and that the likelihood of the fetus having Down syndrome is low.

  • There is less need for prenatal diagnosis (PND).

  • A low risk rating does not guarantee that the fetus is normal as Down syndrome can still be found in some pregnant women.

High risk

  • A risk rating of 1:250 or more, such as 1:200, 1:100, indicates that you are in the “high risk group” and that the likelihood of the fetus having Down syndrome is high.

  • The pregnant mother will be recommended to have a prenatal diagnostic procedure (PND), such as amniocentesis.

  • A high risk rating does not always indicate that the fetus will develop Down syndrome.

Frequently asked questions

Can Quad Test be used to identify the fetal gender?

  • Quad Test cannot identify the gender of the fetus as it only involves the analysis of biochemical markers in the blood.

NIPT and Quad Test, which is better?

  • NIPT (Non-invasive prenatal test) or Nifty is the superior screening test due to the fact that it is based on a laboratory analysis of fetal DNA released into the mother’s bloodstream and the identification of number of chromosomes of the fetus. It is a more recent, superior testing screening technique compared to other methods.

“Safe and effective screening test
with an accuracyof more than 99% Identify
your fetal gender and screen
for chromosomal microdeletions
Can be performed as early as 10 weeks
of pregnancy”

Other interesting articles: NIFTY Test

When to do a Quad Test?

  • Quad Test or Quadruple Test is an effective second-trimester screening method. It should be performed between weeks 14 and 18 of pregnancy.

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Get screening for Down syndrome and other abnormalities for your peace of mind.

Feel free to contact Intouch Medicare through any channel. Our staff are ready to help and offer you guidance and attention.

You can obtain more details about the Quad Test offered by or Intouch Medicare Clinic by typing “quad test clinic near me” into Google search.

Interesting Article

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Latest edit : 18/01/2024

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