There are various methods of contraception to prevent pregnancy, such as using condoms, taking birth control pills, contraceptive implants, or contraceptive injections. Each method has different levels of effectiveness and durations of action.
One of the most popular methods, especially for those who do not like taking pills, is the contraceptive injection. This article will discuss how to take care of yourself after receiving a contraceptive injection to ensure proper understanding.
How to Take Care of Yourself After a Contraceptive Injection
If you are already taking birth control pills, continue taking them for another 7 days.
If you wish to have sexual intercourse after the injection, use a condom.
Breast tenderness or discomfort may occur after the injection.
Make sure to get your next injection on time or even before the due date.
When can you safely have unprotected sex after the injection?
Avoid Sexual Intercourse for 7 Days After the Injection
One common question is when it is safe to have sex after receiving a contraceptive injection. Whether the injection is for 1 month or 3 months, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for 7 days after the injection. This allows time for the drug to fully take effect in inhibiting ovulation.
If you are already taking birth control pills, continue taking them for another 7 days.
Another common question many people have is, “What should you do if you were taking birth control pills before switching to contraceptive injections?” In this case, it is recommended that after receiving the injection, you should continue taking the birth control pills for another 7 days. This ensures that the injection has taken full effect, providing peace of mind for those using this method of contraception.
If you wish to have sexual intercourse after the injection, use a condom.
Another important point to ensure the effectiveness of contraception with this method is to use additional contraception during the first 7 days after the injection, such as wearing a condom, if you wish to have sexual intercourse.
After the injection, you may experience soreness at the injection site, so avoid pressing on it too hard.
It is normal to experience some soreness or stiffness at the injection site for about a day after receiving the contraceptive injection. There is no need to worry as the discomfort will eventually subside. It is advised not to rub or press hard on the area, as this could cause the medication to be absorbed more quickly than normal, which may reduce its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.
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Breast tenderness or discomfort may occur after the injection.
After receiving the contraceptive injection, you may experience breast tenderness or swelling, as well as other side effects such as irregular periods, headaches, or mood swings. These are normal and will eventually go away on their own. However, if you experience severe allergic reactions, you should consult a doctor immediately for appropriate guidance and treatment.
Make sure to get your next injection on time or before the due date.
After receiving your first contraceptive injection, it is important to get the next injection on time. Whether it’s due in 1 month or 3 months, depending on the type of contraceptive injection, make sure to get it on or before the scheduled date. Delaying the next injection can reduce its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.
When can you safely have unprotected sex after the injection?
One common question is, “Can you have unprotected sex after the injection?” If the injection is given within the first 5-7 days of your period, it will take effect immediately, preventing pregnancy right after the injection. However, if the injection is not given within the first 7 days of your period, you should avoid having unprotected sex or use a condom for 7 days after the injection. For those who receive the injection regularly and on time, there is no issue, as the contraceptive effect remains in place.
Doctors may provide specific advice on whether the contraceptive effect will take effect immediately or how long to wait after the injection, so it’s important to follow their instructions closely.
References: Family Planning Service Manual, Reproductive Health Division, Department of Health.
Related Articles About Contraceptive Injections
It’s clear to see that following the recommended steps after receiving a contraceptive injection is not too difficult if you have the correct understanding and follow the guidelines strictly. This helps increase the effectiveness of contraception. If you have any concerns or experience severe allergic reactions, consult your doctor for proper advice.
For those interested in contraception through injections, you can access this service at any branch of Intouchmedicare Clinic. Search for a clinic near you on Google or contact us through our website. We have a team of specialized doctors and professional nurses ready to provide services with modern equipment, ensuring both effectiveness and safety at affordable prices.
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Onuma Peanphon ,M.D.
General Practitioner
Latest edit : 28/10/2024
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