Things to knows before testing HIV infection


 Intouch Medicare General Clinic

 1. Knowledges of HIV infection

         HIV infection (HN) can be transmitted in 3 ways:
           1.1. sexually
           1.2. Through blood, such as receiving the blood of a diseased person or sharing syringes with people with the disease
           1.3. From mother to child during pregnancy, when giving birth or from breastfeeding

Symptoms of early HIV infection  may have enlarged lymph nodes all over the body  which the person with the disease may not feel abnormal at all Later, it began to show more symptoms, such as fungal infections in the mouth, shingles, and frequent diarrhea ,weight loss and eventually AIDS symptoms such as brain fungus, Severe pneumonia, cancer, dementia, which symptoms range from early to AIDS stages may take many years. People with terminal symptoms, if they can’t get the treatment usually die within 2-3 years.


2. Testing for HIV

The most popular test for HIV infection is a blood test. If the blood test is positive,it means you are infected with HIV. If the blood result is negative, it means that you don’t have HIV. A positive blood test does not necessarily mean you have symptoms. Because sometimes it takes many years to get sick and Negative blood test result  doesn’t always mean that you won’t be infected with HIV. Because sometimes you just recently infected, during the first 1-2 months, the blood will still be negative and later will became positive. Therefore, if the blood result is negative and have a reason in doubt , you should repeately test in  3-6 months later. if the result is negative again it can be sure that you are not infected HIV.


3. Why should I test for HIV infection?

Knowing that you have HIV or not have many benefits such as to protect your loved ones such as husbands, wives, children who will be born  not to be infected with HIV and will be able to take care of their own health and taking HIV PEP regularly to control the amount of HIV in the body to have a long life, strong and good quality like the other people. Currently, the government has allocated antiretroviral drugs to those infected with free charging  according to their medical treatment rights. This will free for the infected person of self-treatment.


4. Impact of HIV testing

If the result is positive some people may not be able to accept this condition or don’t know that there have free treatments that can be  healthy, normal. Some may think hopeless in life and may layoffs at the workplace and Some insurance companies may not provide insurance if they do not provide HIV test results or if the result is positive

Even in the results that came out negative  can cause problems such as In case of infection within 1-2 months, the blood test may be negative therefore if you are going to have sex with your partner or someone else without protection,you already spread the virus before you know you are infected.


5. Rights of HIV test recipients

Test recipients for HIV have the right to be treated appropriately. Test recipients should know their rights before getting HIV test as follows:

       5.1. Except for emergencies or there is a reason which is absolutely necessary to get tested for HIV ,Doctor or medical staff must explain every time for the examination, interpretation and effects of the examine until they understand.
5.2. The recipient has the right to ask questions about the procedures and results of the examination. The doctor or medical staff must answer questions and give advice until they understand
5.3. HIV test results is a secret between doctors and the medical staff associated with the recipient only The doctors and relevant medical staff must strictly maintain the confidentiality examination of the patients. The doctor can notify other people except only after receiving the consent of the patient that he already receive the examination results or when he or she has to comply with the law.
       5.4. The recipient should know that if they don’t check at that location ,they will be able to go to check anywhere according to the existing treatment rights .The National Health Security Office (NHSO) gives the right to check twice a year with free charging or there may be other options such as going to an anonymous clinic which provides examination services without giving your name.


  • Resolution of the Medical Council of Thailand Board of Directors In the meeting No. 9/2014

Latest edit : 11/08/2023

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