What is the cause of not ovulating? How is it related to PCOS?

What Causes Ovulation and How Does It Relate to PCOS

Ovulation is a common occurrence in women of reproductive age. But if it happens suddenly, what about ‘ovulation’? Is this considered an abnormal symptom? How does the absence of ovulation correlate with the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and can it be treated? This article has the answers.

Interesting Topics to Know About Ovulation

What is Ovulation?

Anovulation refers to a condition in which the egg does not mature into a fully developed egg. As a result, no eggs are released from the ovary and into the fallopian tubes.

When Do Eggs Usually Ovulate?

ovulation occurs about 14 days before the start of a new menstrual cycle.

What is the Cause of the Egg Not Ovulating?

Fact that the eggs do not ovulate can be caused by abnormal ovulation, which can be roughly divided into :

What is the Cause of the Egg Not Ovulating?
  • It is caused by abnormalities in the brain and pituitary gland.

  • Ovarian failure can result from genetic predisposition, exposure to ovarian toxins, and autoimmune diseases.

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

  • Being under stress, exercising vigorously, losing weight in a short period of time, being underweight, or overweight.

  • Having an abnormal thyroid condition.

  • Hyperprolactinemia


Prolactin hormone is produced
by the pituitary gland.It is responsible
for stimulating the glands in the breast
to produce and secrete milk and
helps with ovulation. High prolactin levels
can be caused by various factors,
such as pituitary tumors, certain medications,
or frequent breast stimulation.


What are the Symptoms of Ovulation?

Examples of symptoms of ovulation include : 

  • Menstruation is irregular; it can be either long, short, or abnormally heavy.

  • Lack of menstruation.

  • Acne on the face, oily skin, unusual hirsutism.

  • Infertility.

Read more : Multiple ovarian cysts, PCOS, often accompany obesity, a lot of acne, high testosterone, and irregular menstruation.

How Does Ovulation Relate to PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a syndrome characterized by chronic infertility combined with hyperandrogenism. It is believed to be caused by abnormalities in the endocrine system, specifically the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, and insulin resistance.

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I Don’t Ovulate; Will I Have Irregular Periods?

If the egg does not ovulate, it can cause irregular menstruation, such as a lack of menstruation or periods that come infrequently and unpredictably.

If I Don’t Ovulate, Can I Get Pregnant?

If someone does not ovulate, they will not be able to get pregnant because there are no eggs available for fertilization,  which can lead to infertility problems.

Read more : PCOS and Pregnancy : What Prospective Parents Need to Know

What to Do if the Egg Refuses to Ovulate?

If it is found that the eggs do not ovulate, the doctor will determine the cause and address the initial issue, such as :

  • If the patient is under a lot of stress, then the stress must be eliminated.

  • Control your weight to ensure it is neither too high nor too low.

  • Refrain from strenuous exercise.

  • Eat a balanced diet that includes all five food groups.

  • Observe your own symptoms. If there are other abnormal symptoms such as headaches, staggered walking, blurred vision, overeating, abnormal weight gain or loss, easy tiredness, or palpitations, take note.

“If adjusting your behavior does not
improve your symptoms,
you should see a doctor.
An internal examination
or additional gynecological examination
may be necessary.”

Warangkana Wiwansirikul, MD.
(General practitioner at the Intouchmedicare clinic)

Treatment for Ovulation Issues

The treatment of ovulation depends on the cause of each condition. Treatment guidelines include behavior modification, weight loss, stress reduction, medication such as egg stimulants, and surgery.

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“Most of the time, if doctors see young patients who are stressed and come in because their period did not come, they will consider the possibility of PCOS. If behavior adjustment does not improve the condition and other issues are suspected, the patient is recommended to see a specialist. 

In most cases, an initial ultrasound or hormone adjustment medication may be given first, and blood tests will be performed. There may also be an internal examination, cervical cancer screening, or additional gynecological examinations.”

– Warangkana Wiwansirikul, MD. (General practitioner at the Intouchmedicare clinic) –

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Latest edit : 15/05/2024

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