Medical certificate for a seaman’s book used to create a seafarer’s book

seaman’s book A book that people working on ships must have, whether they be captains, crew members, mechanics, ship crew members, and to ensure that these people are able to work on ships. It is necessary to have a “seaman book medical certificate” or “medical certificate Seaman’s Book” As for the medical certificate, how much does it cost? What health check is required? And where can I check? Intouchmedicare has prepared the answer for you.

Things you need to know about medical certificate seaman book

What is a seaman book medical certificate?

What is Seaman Book?

Seaman Book is a book that must be issued by the Marine Department. It is a document that the ship’s crew (People who work on boats) need to have one (similar to a boatman’s ID card). There are two types: a boatman’s book and a fishing boat boatman’s book. The main uses of the book are as follows.

Medical certificate for a seaman's book used to create a seafarer's book

  • Used as evidence to show that of the ship’s crew is permitted to work on seagoing ships 
  • Used as a document in the event of termination of employment. issued by the ship’s master
  • Use to record work history Length of time working on a ship
  • Used for applying a jobs In the seafarer line
  • Use to request a medical certificate Seafarer Health Certificate
  • It is a document to demonstrate the knowledge and abilities of the book holder.

The seaman’s book will have a similar appearance to a passport. But there will be different colors. “Seaman’s Book, blue” and “Fishing Boatman’s Book, green”

Seaman Book Medical Certificate

Seaman Book or medical certificate The seafarer’s book is a document that certifies the results of a health examination. To be used in making a seaman’s book.

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What tests do you need to get a Seaman Book medical certificate?

1. Basic health check

Initially, the person will request a medical certificate. seaman’s book Need to see a doctor The doctor will take a basic history of the service recipient, such as history of illness, congenital diseases, and history of allergies. or other health problems, etc.  As for the physical examination There will be weighing, measuring height, measuring blood pressure and pulse, checking for color blindness, and basic hearing checks, etc.

2. Health check for 5 diseases

Health examination for Receive a medical certificate for 5 diseases. Must be screened for the following diseases:  

  • Leprosy
  • Tuberculosis at a dangerous stage
  • Check for signs of drug addiction.
  • alcoholism
  • elephantiasis

Read more : Medical certificate for 5 diseases. Which diseases must be checked?

Price of medical certificate seaman book

Seaman Book medical certificate, price starting at 300 baht  

Note : In cases where there are additional checklists There will be an additional service charge.

Medical certificate Seaman Book

Medical certificate Seafarer’s book, where can I get it? 

Can check health To issue a medical certificate Seafarer books are available at clinics and public and private hospitals.

Note : The medical certificate here is not a medical certificate. Seafarer Health Certificate (Cor.5)

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 Seaman Book Medical Certificate Form 

What do you need to make a seaman book? 

Documents for making a Seaman Book for both normal boats and fishing boats use the same documents. Depending on the case The applicant must be a person with a Thai national contract. Age not less than 16 years. The documents will be divided into 4 cases as follows:

1. Seaman Book documents for the first time requesting

  1. One 2-inch photograph, must be taken within the last 6 months, not smiling with teeth showing. Not wearing a gown
  2. Identification card (original)
  3. Medical certificate Seafarer’s book or seafarer’s medical certificate
  4. Copy of passport (Not necessarily)

2. Seaman Book documentation in case of renewal or damage.

  1. Seaman’s book (original book)
  2. One 2-inch photograph, must be taken within the last 6 months, not smiling with teeth showing. Not wearing a gown
  3. Identification card (original)
  4. Medical certificate Seafarer’s book or seafarer’s medical certificate
  5. Copy of passport (Not necessarily)

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3. Seaman Book documentation in case the book is lost.

  1. The original police report or a copy of the police report signed by the police.
  2. One 2-inch photograph, must be taken within the last 6 months, not smiling with teeth showing. Not wearing a gown
  3. Identification card (original)
  4. Medical certificate Seafarer’s book or seafarer’s medical certificate
  5. Copy of passport (Not necessarily)

4. Documents for making a Seaman Book in case of change of name or surname.

  1. An item correction form, such as a copy of a name/surname change form.
  2. Seaman’s book (original book)
  3. One 2-inch photograph, must be taken within the last 6 months, not smiling with teeth showing. Not wearing a gown
  4. Identification card (original)
  5. Medical certificate or seafarer’s medical certificate
  6. Copy of passport (Not necessarily)

In case of foreign nationality

In case of foreign nationality (only those working on Thai ships) you must be 16 years of age or older using the following documents:

  1. 1 photograph, size 2 inches
  2. Copy of passport with a VISA visa inspection
  3. Employment certificate  from the company or ship owner (Must specify complete details of the ship)
  4. Copy of ID card of the person who signs the certificate
  5. Copy of company registration document
  6. original book (In case of renewal or damaged books)
  7. Name change and surname certificate (In case of correction)
  8. Report form (In case of loss)
  9. Medical certificate or seafarer’s medical certificate

Note : In the case of being a foreigner, requesting a fishing boatman’s letter Will not be able to make a book for fishing boat crew. at the Marine Department You must request it at the Fisheries Department only.

(There are references at the end of the article)

 Sample medical certificate Seaman Book  

Medical certificate seaman’s book What is it used for? 

Medical certificate / seaman's book / used as a document to make a seaman book.

Requesting this type of medical certificate will only be used for making a seafarer’s book. Not a medical certificate For issuing health certificates for seafarers (Kor. 5), however To request a health certificate A seafarer’s book is required. It is also an important document to request.

Medical certificate Seafarer’s Health Certificate is a health certificate. of the ship’s crew issued by the Marine Department to the ship’s crew as evidence showing that Those who meet the health readiness requirements This document can only be issued at a medical facility that has received standards from the Marine Department.

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The Seaman Book medical certificate is for making a seaman’s book. The applicant must be 16 years of age or older and must undergo a general health examination. and a health check for 5 diseases and the service recipient will receive a medical certificate for 5 diseases certified by the hospital. This medical certificate can be requested at Intouchmedicare. In the case where a medical certificate is required Health certificate for seafarers (Cor. 5) must be applied for at a medical facility that has received standards from the Marine Department only.

Interested in a health check to use in making a seafarer’s book? You can come to receive service at All Intouchmedicare branches near you. For anyone looking for a clinic near the Marine Department You can receive service at Intouchmedicare clinic, Charoen Krung branch.

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